Calculator Birthday Age By Date of Birth

Age Calculator

Age Calculator

About the Age Calculator

The Age Calculator is a tool designed to help you determine your precise age based on your date and time of birth. It allows you to calculate your current age (using today’s date and time) or find out how old you will be (or were) on a specified target date and time.

How to Use

  1. Select your Date of Birth using the dropdown menus for day, month, and year, and enter your time of birth.
  2. The Target Date section is pre-filled with the current date and time by default. Change it if you want to calculate your age on a different date and time.
  3. Click the Calculate Current Age button to compute your current age, or click the Age at the Date of button to compute your age for the target date and time.
  4. The result will be displayed in the result box below the buttons.
  5. Share this tool using the social sharing buttons provided.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does this Age Calculator do?

It calculates your age in years, months, days, hours, and minutes based on your date and time of birth. You can calculate your current age or determine how old you will be on a specified target date.

How do I input my data?

Use the dropdown menus to select the day, month, and year of your date of birth and target date. Then, enter the corresponding time using the time input fields.

What if I don’t select a target date?

The target date fields are pre-filled with the current date and time by default. If you leave them as is, the calculator will compute your current age.

Can I share this calculator with others?

Yes, simply use the social sharing buttons provided at the bottom of the page to share the link with others.

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